Reusing & Recycling

Zero Waste

We want to avoid waste, however when this is not possible we treat waste as a resource to be reused or recycled - we call this zero waste.

To be able to fulfil our zero waste vision, we have set ourselves three targets:

Recyclable packaging

We want to achieve 100 per cent recyclable packaging by 2020 by focusing on the following:

  • Co-operation with suppliers, researchers and partnerships with key customers
  • Evaluating and selecting the right packaging in relation to design and materials

Reduce food waste 

We want to help consumers in their efforts to reduce food waste by 50 per cent:

  • Helping them to better plan food purchases and to make full use of products: e.g. online tips and tricks for using leftovers, weekly dinner plans, climate friendly recipes
  • Find the ´right´ packaging in terms of portion size and its ability to be completely emptied by consumer 

Waste from productionArla Foods Environmental strategy - Waste from production - Zero Waste

We want to eliminate waste to landfill from production by:

  • Using waste product for animal feed or biogas production
  • Cooperating with waste management vendors or suppliers to recycle or reuse solid waste

For years we have worked on minimising the amount of plastic in our milk bottles in the UK.

Komitmen kami

Sustainable Dairy Production

Kami memiliki fokus khusus terhadap kesejahteraan hewan dengan standar yang tinggi, kualitas susu dan produksi yang didesain secara khusus. Kami berusaha keras untuk menjalankan sistem produksi dalam praktik terbaik untuk lingkungan dan bekerja terus menerus untuk menurunkan resiko yang berdampak langsung terhadap lingkungan mulai dari peternakan hingga ke konsumen. inilah yang kami namakan sustainable dairy production.

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